Foto de Helberth Choachí en la radicación de proyectos de ley para campesinado con los congresistas

The UPN is part of the bills that recognize the Colombian peasantry

The rector of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Helberth Choachí, attented at the presentation of two bills for the recognition of the peasantry, which were presented by Senator Robert Daza, with the support of Congress members Alberto Benavides, Pablo Catatumbo, Catalina Pérez and Gabriel Becerra.

Reunión con Prosperidad Social

The UPN launches alliance to support students

The rector of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Helberth Choachí, met with Jairo Avellaneda García, regional director of Social Prosperity, with the goal of expanding the Programa Renta Joven for students at the University.

Fotografía estudiante Centro de Lenguas frente a sus instalaciones

Learn about the educational costs, benefits and discounts at the UPN Language Center

The Universidad Pedagógica Nacional reports the community the full content of Resolution 0807 of July 31st, 2024, where the Institution sets out the educational costs, benefits and discounts for the academic programs of language teaching offered by the Language Center of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Foto sobre el conversatorio conversatorio “El cuidado como promesa y principio formativo”

At UPN, We Discussed Care and Education

As a part of the welcome activities for the second semester of 2024, a successful discussion “Care as a Promise and Training Principle” took place. This event was attended by first-semester students from various undergraduate programs.

foto del grupo asistente a la radicación del proyecto de ley 100 años

A Bill submitted to boost the Colombian teachers training

As a primordial part of the process to reinforce the education in Colombia, the member to the House of Representatives, Gabriel Becerra submitted the Bill in honor both for the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional 70 years and the Instituto Pedagógico Nacional 100 years with the college management at the Congress of the Republic.

Estudiantes del Instituto Pedagógico Nacional participan en el encuentro musical en Buga

IPN students rocked/stirred Buga with their music

The orchestra and the jazz band of Instituto Pedagógico Nacional –IPN– were invited to participate from August 5 to 9, 2024, in the 281st anniversary celebration of the Colegio Académico …


The excellence and quality of UPN’s programs continues to be distinctive

The Universidad Pedagógica Nacional community congratulates the teamwork of the Community Education Bachelor after renewing the High-quality Accreditation for six years (Resolution No. 004536, April 10, 2024) and the Special Education Bachelor after renewing the High-quality accreditation for eight years (Resolution No. 004931, April 16th, 2024).

Fotografía de estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional en el aula clase

The UPN Committed to Dignifying Professors’ Working Conditions

As a part of the implementation of the Rectoral Plan 2024-2028 of the UPN, the High Council issued the Agreement No. 018 of September 11, 2024, which approves the payment of social benefits of vacation and vacation leave bonus to staff and contract professors in proportion to the length of the worker’s employment.