The Universidad Pedagógica Nacional successfully carried out the “Humanities Week, a bid for the knowledge dialogue”, gathering students, teachers and university graduates to listen to national and international guests’ experiences, as well as our graduates.
The meeting included discussions, panels, conferences, lectures, book launches, documentary screenings, concerts, workshops and socialization of experiences.
Within this framework, the “Itinerant Exhibition: Classroom of soundscapes and field trips” was also held, with the presence of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, the Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Pilar, the Universidad del Valle, the Universidad de la Amazonia, the Universidad del Tolima representatives, among from other institutions.
Topics such as geographic education and pedagogical practice, teacher training and gender perspectives, education in armed conflict contexts, language and literature training, contemporary urban issues and others, were discussed in various formats so that attendees could interchange their knowledge.
Thus, this week is consolidated as a commitment to make visible the academic work of teachers and students from the Faculty of Humanities, making a tour of each disciplinary area such as art, ethics, philosophy, history, geography, pedagogy, languages, political science and literature.
Those who accepted this invitation were able to learn about diverse community experiences with an educational and formative emphasis.