During the second day of the National Educational Forum 2023, a meeting organized by the Ministry of National Education to strengthen spaces for participation, dialogue, reflection and awareness from the perspectives about diversity in education, the Colombian Observatory of Educational Policies and Teaching Profession (Observatorio Colombiano de Políticas Educativas y Profesión Docente, OCPE) of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional was present and participated in the panel Live with the Regional Voices.
Within this panel framework, general coordinator of this observatory Nadia Catalina Ángel presented an analysis of the recommendations for higher education which were made by several actors in the almost 64 regional preparatory forums, held in different areas of the country between August and September.
There, she presented the main suggestions focused on strengthening the articulated work between different sectors of the educational system, for a better performance, linking basic, secondary and higher education, in order to ensure that projects focused on diversity are sustainable.
On the other hand, the strengthening of the teachers training at all levels was recommended, taking into account the need to include elements for the recognition of diversity as the country’s main wealth. Also, the need to pay particular attention to the emotional health of teachers and, in general, over the teacher welfare system was highlighted.
Likewise, this large summary showed as a teacher training strategy the reiterated suggestion of supervising research within schools, which allows universities of these teachers to learn from school contexts.
Other themes present in these recommendations were the participation of universities in the development of policy guidelines for diversity and the question of evaluation frameworks.
This space was moderated by Vice Minister of Preschool, Basic and Primary Education Óscar Sánchez. It is important to remember that the Observatory of the Casa Grande de la Pedagogía is established as a setting for the analysis and monitoring of educational policies in Colombia.