The event “Posthumanism and Critical Pedagogy” was held at the National Pedagogical University. Posthuman: the perspective of Rosi Braidotti”, with the participation of the philosopher and research professor Adrián Perea, who is a member of the decent team of the Doctorate in Social Studies of the Universidad Distrital (District University), Francisco José de Caldas, PhD in philosophy.
This space was made possible under the coordination of professor Luis Fernando Marín Ardila, from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, a philosopher graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (National university of Colombia) and master’s in political studies from the Universidad Nacional, whose research topics are framed in contemporary political philosophy, globalization, education, culture, the so-called post-truth, and public opinion.
During his speech, the guest reflected on the critical approach that the philosopher Rosi Braidotti gives to posthumanism. It is important to highlight that Braidotti is a contemporary Italian-Australian feminist philosopher and theorist, well known for her text Lo Posthumano (2013), from which Master Perea started his intervention.
The guest’s presentation delved into the question of what we are, considering that the human being is the object of various modes of knowledge and starting from the existence of living forces that are interconnected with other modes of life.
In the framework of the meeting, the attendees were able to raise their concerns and questions, which were addressed by Professor Perea, from various fundamental authors in the development of universal philosophy.