Today, the penultimate meeting programed in the seminar “Posthumanism and Critical Pedagogy – Real Science Fiction” was held, in which Professor Aliex Trujillo from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional participated.
In the panel, Professor Trujillo spoke about the perspective of the audiovisual level in this new trend of thought called Posthumanism. In this same field, he also addressed Real Science Fiction, providing three clear examples of where it can be found. First, he showed the work of illustrator Moebius, highlighting this traveler’s stellar figure. Secondly, he presented the cover of the famous science fiction book Neuromancer. Finally, he showed a photo of María, one of the Metropolis movie’ protagonists.
On the other hand, he defined science fiction as a genre of anticipation, with a symbolic reality. He also posed the question: Is science fiction Posthuman or is Posthumanism science fiction? Telling that science fiction is, among other things, a subgenre of fantastic literature, making it clear that it is not distinguished precisely by the future.
The seminar makes it clear that science fiction narrative of hypothesis, conjecture or abduction, and in this regard, a scientific game by excellence, since all science works through conjectures. The difference between Science and science fiction lies in that it is not mandatory for science fiction to have made-up laws explaining the world; it can try to explain the possible result with a real law, while Science explains the real result with a possible law.
Finally, he ended with an exercise in which, after showing clips from some films, he questioned if these clips can be fit in Posthumanism terms, going from technological singularity, mind transfer, genetic modification, cognitive enhancement, virtual reality or artificial consciousness.