The Maternal School of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional emerged as a space for educating children under four years of age as critical, creative, independent individuals capable of expressing themselves freely.
Mónica Gil, the school’s coordinator, explains that it was founded in 2004 as an extension project of the faculty of Education, driven by the interest of the bachelor’s degree in child education. This initiative identified the need for the university community to have a space where early childhood could be experienced with a pedagogical purpose, thereby preventing university dropouts among parents associated with UPN. As a result, it welcomes children of students, staff, teachers, and private families.
As part of the educational process, it was established that the names of the levels attended by the children should correspond to the goals or achievements reached at each stage of life. Thus, among others, the “gateadores” (crawlers) were recognized as the youngest group, who are developing that skill, and the “caminadores” (walkers) for infants aged 12 to 24 months.
Alejandra Tovar, a mother of one of the girls in “Aventureros 2” and a graduate of the bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Pedagogy at UPN, already knew about the Maternal School’s educational project. Due to her close and special connection with the University, she decided that this was the best option to entrust her daughter’s education.
She adds that from the beginning, her daughter developed a strong connection with her teacher based on affection and trust, which has enhanced her cognitive abilities and helped her become more independent and aware of her surroundings. “I don’t have words to thank the universe for having found this place for my daughter,” she emphasized.
The Maternal School has become a venue for UPN’s academic research and extension, with a pedagogical proposal that accompanies children in their immediate life projects, promoting the development of their communication, relational, and cognitive abilities. The team of teachers working there continuously empowers and suggests different ways for their students to build, be, and exist in the world, generating significant and ongoing reflection on pedagogical practice.
Juliana Silva, the lead teacher at the independent level, says that this place is a socialization environment and an opportunity for both children and parents to connect with others. For children, it’s an opportunity to be with their peers, and for families, it’s a chance to share experiences as mothers and fathers who are supporting the growth of their daughters and sons. Thus, this space consolidates itself as a cultural and educational project at the local and national levels, combining action, training, and pedagogical research in support of early childhood education.