The Colombian Observatory of Educational Policies and the Teaching Profession OCPE held the discussion “Analysis and challenges around the fundamental right to education” about the Colombian educational sector and how it is immersed in the debate of the draft of the statutory bill by the Ministry of National Education published on September 12, 2023. This project, focused on the fundamental right to education, has generated intense discussions about its regulatory and financial implications and the possible effects on future educational public policies at different levels and territories of our country.
The discussion becomes a public issue with national relevance, which requires an exhaustive analysis from different perspectives. In this context, the OCPE-UPN has assumed the role of promoting and expanding the national debate.
The discussion focused on topics such as: Why are we discussing a statutory law for education in the current political situation of the country? What does it mean to our country passing this law? Among others.
The purpose of the discussion was to focus the discussion on the questions and opportunities raised by the statutory bill for the right to education, the educational system and the educational service in Colombia, having prominent guests such as Adriana Puigross, educational researcher and former member of the Chamber of Deputies of Argentina; Luis Eduardo Pérez Murcia, Policy and Research Manager of the Global Campaign for Education; Gladys Verónica Escobar Segura, advisor on higher education from the Office of the Minister of Education and Omar Orlando Pulido Chaves, consultant in educational public policies and the teaching profession.