Braille Text Printing Service
The Central Library of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, located in the Centro Tiflotecnológico Hernando Pradilla Cobos, has a free braille text printing service available to the university community and the public.
The Central Library of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, located in the Centro Tiflotecnológico Hernando Pradilla Cobos, has a free braille text printing service available to the university community and the public.
A meeting with the mayors of the provinces of Tequendama and Almeidas, department of Cundinamarca, was held at the UPN facilities on Calle 72, with the purpose of bringing UPN higher education to their communities, starting next semester.
His love for teaching is an inheritance from his mother and aunt, as well as other family members who, as teachers, in some cases from UPN, created an environment that has always been permeated by pedagogy and the need to influence others through the dissemination of knowledge, in his case related to science and biology.
Wayra is an educational project of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. It was born in 2008 to combine a proposal open to the public, the university community, people from the surrounding neighborhoods, but also members of institutions who want to live the experience of approaching diverse types of crops, combining agriculture, environment, recreation, and leisure.
The Technology Department held the First Meeting of Educational Practices of the Electronics degree, in which the experiences of different students were shared in the classroom.
The Technology Department of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional held the Goldberg Machine Contest, an event looking for creativity and innovation promotion among first-semester students of the Electronics and Technological Design degrees.
The Colombian Observatory of Educational Policies and the Teaching Profession OCPE held the discussion “Analysis and challenges around the fundamental right to education” about the Colombian educational sector and how it is immersed in the debate of the draft of the statutory bill by the Ministry of National Education published on September 12, 2023.
The Sub-directorate of Educational Resources celebrated the 20th anniversary of our “Historias con Futuro” institutional program, with a moving commemorative event. For 20 years, the different chapters of this audiovisual …
Today, the penultimate meeting programed in the seminar “Posthumanism and Critical Pedagogy – Real Science Fiction” was held, in which Professor Aliex Trujillo from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional participated.
From the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional and within the framework of the activities for the construction of the Open Science institutional policy, the internal group Trabajo Editorial was part of the Open Access Week, held from 23 to 27 October. Our publishing house participated in the organization of this event along with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.